The Tonearm is putting a needle on the cultural wax. Check it out.


March 25, 2020

Patrick Ryan - Eventellect

Patrick Ryan, co-founder of Eventellect joins host Lawrence Peryer to share his thoughts and insight on the New Normal.
Guest: Patrick Ryan
March 24, 2020

Zach Edwards - AC Entertainment

Zach Edwards, Director of Ticketing and Crowd Services at AC Entertainment joins host Lawrence Peryer to share his thoughts and insight on the New Normal.
Guest: Zach Edwards
March 5, 2020

Matt Watts of Fender Guitars and the Starting Line

Matt Watts is a music industry double threat. By day he's the VP of Marketing at Fender Guitars. At night he continues to play guitar with pop-punk legends, the Starting Line. Matt joined us in 2019 for this conversation in front of a live audience
Guest: Matt Watts
Feb. 6, 2020

Ben Lovett of Mumford & Sons

A founding member of Mumford & Sons and an all-around interested and engaged human being.
Guest: Ben Lovett