Simon Berz creates art with drums, sound, and trash (Spotlight On : 172)

The Swiss sound artist and drummer discusses Breath versus Beats, his recently released collaboration with Bill Laswell and the late Toshinori Kondo.


Today, the Spotlight shines On drummer and sound artist Simon Berz.

The impetus for our conversation was the release of Simon’s collaboration with American bassist and sonic wizard Bill Laswell and the Japanese avant-garde trumpeter Toshinori Kondo. While Kondo passed away in October of 2020, this work, Breath versus Beats, was not released until August 2023.

Simon is a prolific artist across multiple forms and media. His perspective on creativity, process, collaboration and sound resulted in a discussion that has stuck with me in the weeks since we recorded. Fasten your seat belts, assume a comfortable position and get ready for a fun ride with Simon Berz.


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#podcast #SimonBerz #BillLaswell #ToshinoriKondo