Phil Haynes: a renowned jazz drummer chases the masters (Spotlight On : 191)

The 'modernist drumming artist' chats about his experiences in the New York jazz scene, the responsibilities of a sideman, and his enlightening new memoir, Chasing The Masters.


The Spotlight shines On drummer, composer, and improviser Phil Haynes.

Phil published a unique memoir last November, which includes not only his reflections on a life in and of music but also stands as an important document of nearly 40 years of music in New York City and beyond.

Phil delivers plenty of inside observations of his work with figures like Lee Konitz, Anthony Braxton, Dave Liebman, and Paul Smoker, as well as his own poetry, musical analysis, philosophical musings, and lessons learned along the way.

It’s a charming book, and Phil has created a towering body of musical work. This conversation is classic Spotlight On, with an engaged, sincere guest. Listen to our talk and then get yourself a copy of Chasing the Masters: First Takes of a Modernist Drumming Artist.

(all musical excerpts heard in the interview are taken from Phil Haynes's 62-track retrospective, A Life Improvised - Chasing The Masters)


00:00 Introduction and Welcome
00:37 Spotlight on Phil Haines: Drummer, Composer, and Improviser
00:41 The Unique Memoir of Phil Haynes
03:43 The Journey of a Musician: From New York to Central Pennsylvania
05:35 The Evolution of Jazz and its Renaissance
11:12 The Challenges and Triumphs of a Music Career
12:11 The Impact of COVID-19 on the Music Industry
20:42 The Role of a Sideman in a Band
24:41 The Physicality of Playing Music
27:20 Rediscovering and Appreciating One's Own Music
28:25 Closing Remarks and Invitation for Reviews
29:00 Humor and Empathy in Art
30:28 The Influence of African Traditions in Music
31:20 The Power of Community in Music Education
32:23 Teaching Music to Young Students
33:01 The Role of Improvisation in Music Education
33:54 The Evolution of a Musician's Career
38:05 The Impact of Paul Smoker on Music
38:13 The Importance of Listening and Communication in Music
43:23 The Future of Music and Personal Growth
48:05 Reflections on a Musical Career
51:54 The Importance of Documenting Music History
54:39 Closing Remarks and Thanks


Visit Phil Haynes at
on Bandcamp →
and Facebook →

Learn more about Phil Haynes' memoir Chasing The Masters at
and purchase the book from Amazon →

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