Pete Josef has a modern take on classic soul (Spotlight On | S09E17)

The Bristol-based songwriter talks about protest music, stage fright, the joy of singles, and playing Glastonbury with Kelis …

The Spotlight is On singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist Pete Josef.

The impetus for Pete’s visit was a series of tracks that he has been dropping throughout the Spring and Summer of 2023 - one of which, “Utopia”, you can listen to at the end of this episode. Before we got to his new music, we discussed Pete’s musical upbringing, his connection to classic soul “message music”, and much more.

Pete is an artist deeply in tune with his times, which is reflected in the lyrical content of his music. He is also in tune with the lineage his own work springs from, as you will learn from this talk. It was a pleasure having him on and we highly encourage you to check out his music. Enjoy.


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