On Minimalism: Kerry O'Brien and William Robin in conversation (Spotlight On : 173)

Authors and musicologists O'Brien and Robin discuss On Minimalism, their comprehensive book on the history of minimalist music.


Today, the Spotlight shines On Kerry O’Brien and William Robin, co-authors of the book On Minimalism: Documenting a Musical Movement from University of California Press.

Philip Glass, Steve Reich, Terry Riley and LaMonte Young are stereotypically described as the “Big Four” of minimalism in music. While On Minimalism does nothing to undermine or belittle their pioneering and important contributions to the form, the authors widen the aperture to show a broader scope to the music, from its beginnings in the psychedelic counterculture through its present-day influences on ambient jazz, doom metal, and electronic music. The book encompasses figures as diverse as Yoko Ono and Brian Eno, John and Alice Coltrane, Pauline Oliveros and Julius Eastman, as well as many other well-and-little-known names and subgenres. There is also a much due focus on the contributions of women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ musicians. I loved this book and I think listeners to this podcast will as well.

As for the authors and today’s guests: Kerry O'Brien is a writer and musicologist who teaches at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle. William Robin is Associate Professor of Musicology at the University of Maryland School of Music.

And now Kerry O’Brian and William Robin, on minimalism.


For more information on the book On Minimalism, and to order your copy, go to: https://www.ucpress.edu/book/9780520382084/on-minimalism

Follow Kerry O'Brien on Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/kerryob/
Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/obrien.kerry
and Twitter (X) → https://twitter.com/kerry_ob

Follow William Robin on Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/seatedovation/
and Twitter (X) → http://twitter.com/seatedovation

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