Michael Scott Dawson’s ambient music draws on rural memories (Spotlight On | S09E05)

The Canadian sound artist and producer talks about his spacious new album, Find Yourself Lost …

Today, the Spotlight shines On Canadian producer and sound artist Michael Scott Dawson.

Michael joined us to mark the release of his third solo album, Find Yourself Lost, a collection of country-adjacent, Western-themed ambient recordings issued by Toronto label We Are Busy Bodies. This album is ethereal without being space music and is steeped in melody, tape loops, and Michael’s own field recordings. He has made an emotional, never sterile, ambient work. You can visit this episode’s show notes for links to the music.

Despite the album’s personal nature, which Michael discusses, Find Yourself Lost is also the first time he has included other musical contributors to one of his solo albums, something we also learn about in this conversation.


Listen to Michael Scott Dawson's Find Yourself Lost on Bandcamp: michaelscottdawson.bandcamp.com/album/find-yourself-lost
or streaming platforms: songwhip.com/michaelscottdawson/find-yourself-lost

Follow Michael Scott Dawson on Instagram: instagram.com/michaelscottdawson

For extensive show notes, links, and podcast information, go to spotlightonpodcast.com

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