EMBER are a jazz trio with a collective mindset (Spotlight On | S09E18)

* With the new album August in March, three accomplished players perform modern jazz as a band of equals. *

Today, the Spotlight shines On EMBER, a trio featuring saxophonist and trumpeter Caleb Wheeler Curtis, bassist Noah Garabedian and drummer Vincent Sperrazza. Their latest album, August in March, came out August 11, 2023 on Imani Records and is “a vivid representation of the musical, interpersonal and community-oriented ideas that the three forward-thinking musicians that make up EMBER…care deeply about.”

Today’s conversation explores the heady thematic elements of EMBER’s music: humanism, community, place, and the importance of being a band of equals.

Stick around after the discussion to hear the track “Flotation Device and the Shivers” from August in March, by EMBER.

Visit EMBER at https://emberband.com

Listen to EMBER’s August In March on Bandcamp → https://emberband.bandcamp.com/album/august-in-march
or your favorite streaming platform → https://songwhip.com/ember4/august-in-march

Follow EMBER on Instagram → https://instagram.com/emberjazz

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#podcast #jazzmusic #jazztrio