Dave Wish (Music Will): The Kids Are Alright … With Music Education (Spotlight On : 190)

The celebrated music education innovator discusses the origin and motivations behind Music Will and how the organization teaches thousands to love playing instruments.


The Spotlight shines On Dave Wish, founder and Chief Vision Officer for Music Will. This nonprofit organization funds and runs one of the largest instrumental and vocal music programs in US public schools.

Dave, a former Palo Alto, California school teacher, launched Music Will due to frustration with the lack of music programming in his school. He started by borrowing instruments from friends and hitting area flea markets for deals. From there, he began offering free guitar lessons after school using popular music—the actual music his students wanted to play. What started out as an informal effort to provide musical education to his students has become the largest nonprofit music program in the U.S. public school system. Music Will has taught over a million and a half students how to play music. To hear the story in detail, as you will, is amazing.

Dave’s enthusiasm for his cause is infectious, and we are very happy to bring Music Will to the attention of our listeners.


00:00 Introduction to the Podcast
00:34 Spotlight on Dave Wish: The Man Behind Music Will
02:12 Dave's Early Musical Journey
04:09 The Struggles of Traditional Music Education
05:59 The Turning Point: Learning Guitar
08:09 The Power of Intrinsic Motivation in Music
09:10 The Impact of Teaching Methods on Learning
12:34 The Birth of Music Will
15:05 The Philosophy Behind Music Will
27:00 The Success and Future of Music Will
30:05 The Importance of Participation in Music Education
32:05 Defining a Musician: A New Perspective
32:48 The Purpose and Goal of Music Education
33:59 The Elephant in the Room: The Other 80%
35:28 The Slow but Sure Change in Music Education
36:43 The Disparity in Music Education Representation
41:49 The Need for Modern Band Programming
45:05 The Future of Music Education and Career Opportunities
57:05 Overcoming Imposter Syndrome in Music
59:51 Final Thoughts and Call to Action


Visit Music Will and learn more at → https://musicwill.org

Follow Music Will on Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/musicwill
Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/littlekidsrock
Twitter → https://twitter.com/musicwillorg
LinkedIn → https://www.linkedin.com/company/music-will
TikTok → https://www.tiktok.com/@musicwillorg
and YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE3T1XWYfzenbzfyl6Ea_Pg

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