Dan Mackta β€” from punk rock to hi-res audio (Spotlight On | S09E11)

🎧 As a managing director at Qobuz, Dan entices audiophiles to embrace music streaming. 🎧

The Spotlight shines On Dan Mackta, Managing Director of North America and Northern Europe for the high-resolution music service, Qobuz.

We get pitched constantly by publicists to have their music business clients on as guests. Long-time listeners have noticed that we host fewer of those types of discussion than in the past but when we do, we aim to feature only the most interesting people, solutions and companies.

Dan, his background, and his work at Qobuz check those boxes and more. A creative leader in the modern music business, Dan is turning his skills promoting and marketing artists to the cause of high quality audio, making sure the art itself is offered to consumers in the best way possible, consistent with the maker’s original vision. Enjoy the conversation.


Check out Qobuz online β†’ http://www.qobuz.com

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