Bruno Råberg pushes the boundaries of acoustic bass (Spotlight On | S09E04)

In this episode, the Spotlight shines On internationally-renowned bass player and composer Bruno Råberg.

Since coming to the US from his native Sweden in 1981, Bruno has made many recordings as both a leader and sideman — and has performed with an incredible number of world-class artists - including Terri Lyne Carrington, Sam Rivers, Donny McCaslin, Billy Hart, Matt Wilson, and countless others. He currently leads several incarnations of his own Bruno Råberg Trio and the Triloka Ensemble.

Bruno has been a professor at Berklee College of Music in Boston since 1986 and teaches in the prestigious Berklee Global Jazz Institute.

Bruno joins us to talk about Look Inside, his debut album for solo bass which came out on May 19. If you’re curious about what took him so long to embark on such a project, your questions will be answered here.



Bruno Råberg online:
Listen to Bruno Råberg's Look Inside on Bandcamp:
or streaming platforms:

For extensive show notes, links, and podcast information, go to


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