Brandon Seabrook’s magic clusterf**k of merciless banjo torture (Spotlight On | S09E13)

The Spotlight shines On guitarist and banjoist Brandon Seabrook, hot off the release of his new album brutalovechamp on Pyroclastic Records.

Brandon is known for pushing his music past the far reaches of the extreme, fusing elements from punk, jazz, pop, and metal. His music has been called “abrasive” and “angular”, with an intense focus on virtuosity. brutalovechamp covers new ground.

With his octet, Epic Proportions, Brandon explores beauty, personal emotion and a lyricism not usually associated with his music. In his liner notes for the record, he describes the album as “a departure” and “intimate and vast.”

Our conversation was vast as well, covering Brandon’s early life, affinity for ‘80s metal, and his move to more vulnerable, less process-driven music, as well as his reasons for this shift. Enjoy.


Listen to brutalovechamp by Brandon Seabrook’s Epic Proportions on Bandcamp →
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