Aline Homzy plays violin in the cosmos with étoile magique (Spotlight On | S09E22)

Led by Aline Homzy's ecstatic violin, a mind-expanding jazz ensemble finds inspiration in a planetary mythos. 💫


The Spotlight shines On award-winning violinist and composer Aline Homzy. Aline joins us on the occasion of the release of her first solo record, Éclipse, which is also the debut album with her group ‘Aline’s étoile magique’.

Aline is known as one of Canada’s finest jazz violinists. Her music has been performed by the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Swedish guitarist Mikko Hilden, and South Korean bassist Yongwon Cho. She is also interested in and committed to the cause of economic justice in the arts, creating opportunities for patrons of all economic levels to attend live events and finding new funding mechanisms to get musicians paid a fair wage for their work.

Aline spent the Summer of 2023 performing with étoile magique at festivals across Canada. Please stick around until the end of this episode for the track “Circa Herself” by Aline’s étoile magique from their album, Éclipse.


Listen to éclipse by Aline's étoile magique on Bandcamp →
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Songs excerpted in this episode: "Caraway," "Segment," and "Rose du ciel" — from the album Éclipse by Aline’s étoile magique.

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#podcast #jazzmusic #violinist