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Photography Episodes

March 30, 2023

Harold Sherrick

Today, the Spotlight shines On an episode from about a year ago, our conversation with photographer Harold Sherrick. Harold joined Spotlight On to talk about A Pig's Tale , a book he co-authored which tells the story of the l...
July 21, 2022

Chris Duffy

Chris Duffy is the son of legendary 60‘s British Photographer Brian Duffy.
April 28, 2022

Carrie Kania

Carrie Kania chats with LP about life, music, art, publishing and her life leading up to moving to London.
Guest: Carrie Kania
April 7, 2022

Harold Sherrick

Harold Sherrick visits to talk about his book "A Pigs Tale" which tells the story of one of the most famous bootleg labels, Trade Mark of Quality.